To the moon and back!

Last week, Year 5 had a fantastic ' out of this world' learning opportunity!
Last week, Year 5 were lucky enough to have borrowed the moon, asteroids and meteorites from NASA themselves! Our week started with looking at the impact of an asteroid; we learnt that the further the distance the bigger the crater was. We then became meteorite hunters, exploring the properties of a meteorite and how asteroids break free from the asteroid belt. We learnt that asteroids are magnetic, dense and have a fusion crust - this allowed us to classify them. We were also fascinated by the fact that footprints can still be seen on the moon today - we investigated the surface of the moon and concluded that the particles were similar to those of flour - after looking at them through the microscope. One of the most exciting samples was the lunar disc; this held samples of the moon collected by Harrison Schmidt in 1972.
We have had a wonderful week with the moon; it was one small step for Year 5 but a giant leap for their learning!