Year 1
Week beginning 10th February
It has been another busy week in Year 1! The children did a fantastic job at leading our school worship time. I'm sure those of you who came to watch enjoyed it. We took a picture when we got back to the classroom with all their dots.
Thank you to all of you who managed to practise the Paddington story last week. The children have loved hearing lots of Paddington stories and have been writing their own too. We have been focusing on capital letters, full stops, adjectives and the conjunction, and. In Maths, we have been continuing to explore multiples of ten. In Science, we have re-visited our learning on the seasons focusing on Winter. We will be taking some measurements for rainfall and temperature over the next week. So, at home you could discuss the weather too.
The children are still enjoying our Forest School sessions on a Monday. It will be the last one this week. Please ensure your child is in PE kit and has a warm, waterproof coat. They are welcome to bring wellies or other shoes to change into if they wish.
After the holidays, STEPs road safety team will be with us. They run sessions teaching road safety. The children will have an opportunity to go out and practise crossing roads in small groups. You should have received a letter about this. We need to have permission for your child to take part in these sessions, so please return the slip ASAP. If you did not receive a letter, please let us know, as we have spares. We would also appreciate parent help in order to facilitate these sessions. Please reply via the same slip.
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Allery, Mrs Stoodley & Mrs Samtani
The worship theme this week is: Love
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Learning this week:
English - We will be continue to explore, 'Paddington at the Palace' using 'Talk for Writing' strategies. We will be moving on to write Paddington stories to go in a class book for the children in Early Years.
Maths - We will be continuing to count in multiples of ten and using our knowledge to answer different maths problems.
Phonics - We will learning g saying /j/, wh saying /w/ and c saying /s/.
Art - We will be finishing our free-standing sculptures in the style of Anthony Gormley and evaluating them.
Whole Class Reading- We will be reading some more Paddington stories as we have enjoyed them so much.
Home Learning:
My Maths and Numbots log ins are stuck into the front of your child's Reading Record. We would love to see more children logging into Numbots, it is a great resource and a fun way for your children to build fluency in maths. Please speak to your child's teacher if you need any support with this.
Phonics: We will be sending home new log ins for Twinkl Phonics games and activities as they have changed the system in the next few weeks.
We have also attached some information and further home learning at the bottom of this page focusing on the new graphemes we have been learning this year.
Additional help with reading/phonics:
If you are wondering how you can provide general support for your child at home, our advice is to hear them read as often as possible. Please do not worry if your child brings home the same book from time to time- this is to gain confidence and fluency before moving onto different sounds in other books.
We also have an excellent link to some high quality texts that you may want to consider when choosing children’s books to read or buy!
Additional Maths:
By the end of Year 1, children are expected to:
- count forwards and backwards in ones to 100
- be able to count in 2s, 5s and 10s
- find one more and one less than a given number up to 100
- recognise the value of all coins
- know number bonds (numbers that add together) to total 10 and 20.
These are excellent skills to be practising at home, although we stress that they will be covered over the course of the school year.
It is really important to put children’s names in all their clothes, on packed lunch boxes, water bottles, coats etc- otherwise they do not go home with the correct child. We already have some unclaimed and unnamed items from this week. If you could all check that all items are named, we would really appreciate it.
Please could water bottles be placed into a plastic bag in their school bag to protect school reading books. All water bottles must only contain water and NOT squash please.
Please note, our fruit at school is delivered on a Monday, but sometimes later in the day. Please could you provide your child with a snack on a Monday to avoid them getting hungry if our fruit has not been delivered.
It is getting colder and we have had a few rainy days too. Please can you try to ensure the children all have a coat with them, as we do outside, even if it is a little wet or cold.
Key Dates:
Monday 13th January- Forest school Mondays begin (please wear PE kit every Monday through this half term)
Key Information:
Please wear PE kits on a Wednesday and Monday (forest school).
Best wishes,
The Year 1 Team
Mrs Allery, Mrs Stoodley and Mrs Samtani