Year 6
Week Beginning 9th September
Welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful summer break. It has been a pleasure to welcome the children back this week and they have started life in Year 6 brilliantly.
Important dates and messages:
Monday 16th September – New Parent’s Coffee Morning from 8.30am - church
Monday 16th September – Clubs Start
Wednesday 18th September – Parent Information Evenings 3.20pm and 4.20pm – classrooms
Thursday 26th September – Whole School Flu Immunisation - separate email sent with information
Thursday 3rd October - Harvest Carnival
Monday 14th October – Frazer Portraits Individual Photos
Saturday 9th November - Open Morning - 10am - noon
Tuesday 19th November - Pavilion Carol Concert - Glee Club
Monday 25th November – School Open Evening/Book Look – 3.15pm – 4.15pm
Tuesday 26th November – Online Parent Consultation Evening – 4pm – 7pm
Wednesday 27th November - Online Parent Consultation Evening – 3.30pm – 6pm
Worship theme:
Love -God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who has faith in him will have eternal life and never really die. John 3:16
This week we will be continuing our work on Mortal Engines in English, analysing descriptions and then creating our own setting of a traction city.
In maths, we wil be working on place value, looking at comparing and ordering numbers to 1 million.
In science, we will be learning how to categorise organisms based on their characteristics.
In art, we will be creating ocean art inspired by our class names.
Other news:
PPA Days - PPA Days will be every other Friday and children should come in wearing PE kits.
- PE every Friday - Children should wear their PE kits every Friday.
- Project overview and Project homework - please find links to the relevant information below.
- MyMaths - we will be setting MyMaths tasks termly, based on the learning we will be doing this term. Please let us know if you are finding them too easy or tricky and remember that below there are many resources you can use to extend your learning from home. In Year 6, some children like to do extra revision in the lead-up to SATs. Because of this, we have added a plethora of revision materials. There are no expectations for these all to be completed. We recommend completing one or two activities per week, with the topic linking to what we are currently doing, which can be found at the top of this page. My Maths for this term is: Distance time graphs, Line graphs, Reading pie charts, Drawing pie charts, Misleading graphs and Mean and mode.
- Reading books - we would like to remind everyone to have a reading book in school - this can be a school or home book. We would like all children to be able to share recommendations and reviews of what we have read recently. We are displaying books that we've read in the classroom to get children talking about the stories they love and to inspire others to try new titles.
- Reading records - All children should now have a blue reading record in which they can record how often they are reading. They will receive one raffle ticket if they read three times a week and two if they read more than five. At the end of each term, we will be drawing a raffle. There are activities in the reading records that can be completed at home for fun!
Best wishes,
Year 6 Team.
Learning as a family in Jesus, through Love, Hope, and Forgiveness.
Matthew 19:26 “With God all things are possible.”
Below are some resources you can use for optional additional activities if you so wish:
English reading activities
English reading activities should consist of reading an extract or short story and answering questions. Guidance here:
- What are facts and opinions?
- What does an author do?
- What is inference?
- All activities through this link
- All activities through this link
SPaG – Spelling punctuation and grammar activities
- SPaG exam questions
Your username and password are in the password pack you received from school.
- Apostrophes – Demo 1
- Apostrophes – Demo 2
- Homophone magic
- Is it a noun?
- You should be able to sign up for free and get some free questions.
- Glossary of Grammar terminology
- Grammar and punctuation information- click to be taken to the document
6. Year 5/6 spelling list - Y5 and 6 spelling list
Remember, MyMaths tasks will be set each week as identified in the weekly web update. Please ensure that you do the tasks set for the week. Remember, you also have access to Timetables Rockstars, too.
Remember, the Maths exam is split into three; one arithmetic paper and two reasoning papers. The arithmetic paper is more calculation based, whereas the reasoning focusses more on the application of these skills.
Arithmetic - weekly arithmetic practise, very much in the style of the Year 6 tests. - practice arithmetic; select how many questions you want to try.
Daily arithmetic can be downloaded here: 1-4 13-16 17-20 21-24 25-26 27-30 31-34 5-8 9-12.
Reasoning - List of the different styles of reasoning/problem-solving questions. - access to a range of free papers in a very similar style to the tests. - Reasoning quick tests - An excellent reasoning resource. You need to sign up for free, but then the download is also free.