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Year 4


Week beginning 16th September

The children all worked exceptionally hard last week, as we began our learning this half term.

This week on Wednesday is our Parent Information Evening at 3:20pm and 4:20pm. In this, we will share with you information regarding your child's learning in Year 4. This will take place in Victoria classroom.


Worship theme of the week: New Beginnings

'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.'

Hebrews 13:8 

Learning this week:

English - We will be planning and writing our letters to a school in Malawi

Maths - We will be looking at partitioning and comparing numbers to 10,000

Science - We will be identifying solids, liquids and gases.

DR - We will begin to look at our new book 'You vs The World, The Bear Grylls Guide to Never Giving Up'.

RE - We will be describing the characteristics of Noah through his actions

PE - We will be continuing with gymnastics

French - We will begin our unit called 'Je me presente'.

PSHE - We will be talking about how friendships can change.

Computing - We will begin our unit on Hardware Investigators

Geography - We will be understanding and describing different types of settlements in the UK.

Destination Reader

Our book this term, to fit with our project of Survival, will be 'You vs The World, The Bear Grylls Guide to Never Giving Up'.

Year 6              You Vs the World: The Bear Grylls Guide to Never Giving Up                     

Spelling words to practise this term:

Focus on high frequency words- see list attached at the bottom of this page 

Words to know this term:



Please check the homework overview at the bottom of this page, we will share and display the home learning in class. 

My Maths will be set each week and the task is due every Thursday


Remember to read at home as much as possible! If children read three times at home, they get a raffle ticket.

Reading Raffle – Please encourage your child to record in their yellow reading record when they have read at home. 

3 reads a week = 1 raffle ticket 

5 or more reads a week = 2 raffle tickets 

Library Day is on a Tuesday for both classes. 

At the end of every other term, two names from each class will be drawn in Worship and those children will make a special trip ( with a book) to our local Costa to enjoy a babyccino! 

Recommended Book list for Year 4… 


Key Dates: 

PE Day - Wednesdays

Parent Information Evening - Wednesday 18th September 3:20pm & 4:20pm

Whole School Flu Immunisation - Thursday 26th September

Frazer Portrait Individual Photos - Monday 14th October

Thank you for your continued support, 

 Miss Lunn, Mrs Jacobs and Miss Pain